My 29G in progress


Reefing newb
I'm new to the saltwater hobby, recently set up this 29G to get started, it is certainly a work in progress, but its up and running! I'm open to input and suggestions. I want to add another power head before I add my first fish so my turn over is at 20% So far all my levels are within stable range.

The only thing I added other than the live rock were 2 mexican turbo snails.

Thanks for looking, will update as time goes on. Thansk for all the help I gained from this site!


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How long has your tank been up and running? You should add some more live rock to help w/ biofiltration. The 1.5/2lbs or LR per gallon is the standard. Also, you should get a protein skimmer in the future, which also helps get junk out of the water. What kind of lights/wattage are you running? You'll also need to get a good clean up crew in there, such as hermits, shrimp, and more snails. Stay on top of your water changes and water params and you'll be in good shape.
Its been up for a week or so, I am planning to go get some more live rock tomorrow. As for the protein skimmer, I'm planning to get one of them at some point as well, but for now my HOB filter will have to work until I can afford to upgrade.

As of right now, I'm just using florescent lighting that came with the hood, but I want to upgrade to T5's when iI get some extra cash. I'm running on a limited budget right now.

Yeah I wanted to get a full clean up crew, but my local store suggested starting with 2 snails until tank gets a little more mature in a few weeks.
Yes, your LFS was right in that you should wait until your tank is matured or cycled before you add the CUC. It will take about 4-6 weeks until your tank is fully cycled. It might take a little longer if you add the LR slowly, but be patient and don't rush it. Hope you got yourself a good test kit as you'll need to check your water params quite frequently during the cycling process and once or twice a month there after. Also, make sure you're not using regular tap water to fill the tank or for water changes. It's filled with all types of metals, minerals and additives that are not conducive to a healthy SW tank. RO/DI water is the best, but distilled water will work fine as well.
Looks like you're off to a good start! Did the snails come with the shells that orange color? I've never seen that before. It almost looks like they've been dyed.
Thanks.....yeah thats the way they came, they had a whole tank full of them like that? They said they were mexican turbo's who knows?

So now Im gonna wait at least another week or two before trying my first fish or 2 I wanna be sure all is ready before I waste money killing fish
you have a great looking tank, its soooo crystal clear. looks like your off to a great start:Cheers: Good luck
strange, thats not a natural color for the turbos, they are typically green when you polish up their shells....

but wlecome to the hobby :) its great fun!
Yup those are some very colorful and unique snails. I think everyone is curious because our snails are just plain ole janes compared to yours. You look like you're off to a great start. Welcome to the site.
Ok..........I looked them up, they are not mexican turbo's they are orange chestnut turbo snails? So if you are interested in them, thats the techincal retail/scientific name I guess