One week update


Reefing newb
Water is about 78 , ammonia seems to be leveling off maybe at .050, ph is about 8.0? Nitrate is .050. These readings are my best interpretation of an API master test kit. I have just started to notice some dark green, almost brown algae on the live rock. Here is a picture of it. I have some live rock on top of some old rock that had been out of water for a month or so. I have been told it will regenerate eventually. I have not done any water changes yet, although I did add some salt water because the level was down and it looked like to me the salinity could be a little higher. Although I'm not using a refractometer, I'm using a floating salinity tester. I think the algae growth is normal, any thoughts or comments?


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The tank has been set up and running for one week today. What I am considering doing also is taking another test of the water myself. Then taking a water sample to the LFS and let them test it and see how my testing is matching up with theirs. I guess I should test a sample of water myself, and pull enough water out that I can then take the same water to the LFS to be tested. That way it's taken from the same water and that it was removed from the tank at the same time as the sample I tested, is this a good idea?
The algae in the photo may be hard to see, it's wispy on the dark purple rock in the photo but it's not on any rock underneath, the old stuff.
Update again, I found out I have high nitrates and nitrites to, so before I go to Hawaii tomorrow morning I'm doing a 10 gallon water change. I also probably made a mistake by putting a proetin e skimmer on duty. So I am turning that off till I get a larger population of inhabitants and when the tank is established better. Still looking for comments
I did one just because the nitrates were really high, plus because I am going to be gone for a week starting tomorrow.nitrates and nitrites . The ammonia is almost 0 , it's pretty yellow in the test tube after the test.
you should wait to do any water changes until the cycle is finished, otherwise you can prolong your cycle. Also go ahead and start up your protein skimmer, they take a few weeks to break in so you might as well do that while the tank is cycling.

And once your cycle is done, all of your rock will be live. All live mean is that you have a population of bacteria living on it that are capable of completing the nitrogen cycle.
Buckle down and wait, it'll be 3-7 more weeks for your cycle to finish. By changing the water, you've almost guaranteed the cycle to be a little longer. Just be patient, nothing happens fast in this hobby haha. Other then that, off to a great start! :)
+1 to no WC its best to let the cycle run its course untill it is done as long as you dont have any fish you have nothing to worry about and with it being a new tank you will have algae out breaks but a good cuc and WC after your cycle is done and another thing is that has been said before and will be said many time to come patients, and take it slow if you rush this it will spell big trouble good luck