Picture of the day.

photo was taken with low quality set to cam total photo size only 1.3 mb

Thanks Brian,,,no unfortunately the first one died in a rock slide a few months ago(my fault,,got a little crazy with stacking)...i had this guy for a couple months now....All rocks are flat and on the bottom:lol:
MW ,,,anglers are awesome,,i love mine...they vary in colors ,,and change to blend into their surroundings ...So yellow ones or orange ones or whichever color you get probably won't stay that color unless you have something in there with it thats the same color as it..
Thanks Brian,,,no unfortunately the first one died in a rock slide a few months ago(my fault,,got a little crazy with stacking)...i had this guy for a couple months now....All rocks are flat and on the bottom:lol:
MW ,,,anglers are awesome,,i love mine...they vary in colors ,,and change to blend into their surroundings ...So yellow ones or orange ones or whichever color you get probably won't stay that color unless you have something in there with it thats the same color as it..
Really? Thats actually pretty fascinating
Thanks Dana
MW , its true,,,there are times mine is as light as the rocks you see in the pic or as dark as the sand...he does always have his polka dots though...
I love this picture.....I really do think it is beautiful. I just got these :) Hubby in the background and me with our daughter. I just love how happy and blissful we look

Yep, we have them in NY, call them 'toe biters' for obvious reasons. There are other water larvae that look equally freakish, maybe I'll find a pic or two! :shock:

Ok Erin.....Saw this at work...Erin Told me its a water beetle and sure shit it is...biggest in the world. Comes from Ecuador.


