Possible Aiptasia and other IDs please!


Reefing newb
I need a few IDs please.

I hope I uploaded the pictures correctly.


  • Aipstia.jpg
    39.7 KB · Views: 481
  • Ricordia.jpg
    52.7 KB · Views: 1,239
  • Tenticles.jpg
    32.6 KB · Views: 411
First pic - right side circle does appear to be aiptasia
First pic - bottom circle looks to be a pest nem, but I'm not sure its aiptasia, might be a majano relative. Aiptasia X should take care of it
Second pic - right circle (red) looks like majano
Third pic - brittlestar legs, good guy!
+1 Fishy.
Although I thought that the second pic, with the red circle kinda looked like a Yuma or Ric. Something along those lines.
I think Fishy was right about it being a majano. I looked them up and that is defiantly what it is.

Can I remove the Aiptasia by hand if I can remove the rock easily?
Well, its a very bad idea, you could easily end up with waay more. When you kill them, they shatter and spread spores. Which creates more.
best to invest into Aiptasia X. Can kill the Majano too. Aip X works real good, and its dead easy to use.
Even if the rock is out of the water and I dip it after? I don;t have any Aipstasia X on hand so I want to eliminate them ASAP.
Some people say hot lemon juice works. Spray them with a syringe underwater that is. Didnt for me. Among others like Pep shrimp, vinegar, son on.
But yes, even if you take it out. What are you going to dip it in by the way?
I was just going to dip it in distilled water. I don't have a coral dip or anything. I was under the impression that distilled freshwater was fine.
You're the expert. I just ordered a thing of Aiptasia X. I just hope it doesn't spread too much before it arrives. Thanks for the help!
Hahah, I'm no expert, just here to help ;)
But yes Aiptasia X is the most reliable and easiest way to kill em!
Aiptasia X is the way to go - they are more likely to release spores if you try to dislodge them yourself. With Aiptasia X, it will actually try to eat the stuff, which will then block it from being able to release spores. Best way I know of to get rid of it. It works on majanos as well, though I haven't had as much success with it as I have with aiptasia.

Also, I still am not sure what the other circled things are - anyone else have ideas?
Aiptasia X is the way to go for majanos and aiptasia. Others have injected them with boiling water, lemon juice or vinegar with varying success. None of those methods worked for me. Scraping them off won't work -- they retract into the rock and you will have a hard time getting rid of every piece of them.

They won't spread in the time it will take to get the Aiptasia X in. It's worth waiting for. :)