Protein Skimmer


Reefing newb
Any help would be great right now cause i have no idea if i'm doing something wrong but i have my seaclone skimmer going... i put in the live rock yesterday and today i've noticed it's starting to foam in the cylinder which is what i think it's suppose to do but in the collection cup the foam is just going into it and turning into water... which mean my collection cup fills up in about 1 minutes with just water... what is wrong??? and i've also noticed that the top of the water has little white particles on it which i think is from the skimmer?? is that wrong also?? or is that normal?? i hope anyone understands this and any help would be great.. thanks!!!!!!!
Do you use any chemicals or additives in your water, like tap water conditioner, aloe, stress coat, or medications? If you have any of these in your water, the skimmer will not work. Yet another reason to use RODI water. If you do not have any of that stuff in your water, it takes some time for new skimmers to break in. With the SeaClone, you should be able to adjust either the amount of flow or the height of the collection cup to minimize the amount of water you are collecting.
With the seaclone,Just open the venturi valve all the way.You should be able to see an air bubble in the pipe between the pump and the skimmer body.
Let it run like that for a couple of weeks to break in.That should fix your problem.
if that does not work, it might need to be adjusted, but i dont know how to do it. let me see if i can find the directions for them.
Flow Adjustment
After SeaClone is first plugged in, unscrew and remove the top
portion of the Turbo-Venturi Air Valve.This facilitates maximum
air intake and minimum water flow (approx. 50 GPH).
Then, to achieve optimal performance, re-connect the top and
screw it all the way down (close). Unscrew (open) top
approximately 3/4 - 1 1/2 turns, depending on pump location
and water level.
IMPORTANT ADJUSTMENT NOTE: Too much or too little air will
effect water flow rate and may cause bubbles to flow back into
the aquarium. Minimal periodic adjustment may be needed
due to a variance of organic loads within the aquarium.
that has happened to me when I use medications or when I first got my skimmer. Dial down the flow and it will start working for you. wait about 2 weeks of lower flow and then you can increase it until it is the full setting.

-The Doc :sfish: