quick question


funky buttlovin
how long should i wait to add fish and invertebrates to a new aquarium? i have had my running since the 1st and have had live rock for about 3 days and now i have a aiptasia that came out of the rock and he seems like he is chillin
if your tank has cycled, and your readings are good, add your cuc, including a pepperment shrimp to control the aiptasia, before it get out of control...
do u have any lf or ls in your tank and for how long? how long has it been set up? if yes, just check your ammonia and nitrite, which should now be at 0, and then check for your nitrate...if its low, then you can start adding livestock
sorry, i meant to say lr...lol

was the lr cured?...you may still have to wait it out for bout a week, and monitor your levels...you could also place a little fish food in the tank to start a cycle, or to test to see if the bacteria will handle the ammonia spike from the decaying food.
your lfs should have told u if it was cured or not, but if it has coralline algae on it, its a good sign that it was cured...also if you see small critters on the rocks, then its good...if u bought it dry, then its not cured yet..but just be a little patient and check your levels in a week or so.
The easiest way to see if rock is cured,is to sniff it.
Ifs the rocks NOT cured,you'll be able to smell the death on it.If it kinda smells like lettuce,then its cured and ready to go.
I wouldnt recommend even using a damsel.
Even though they are hellyuns,its not right to torture them in a cycling tank.
gotta agree with yote on the damsels, even though they are assholes, they dont need to be put through that, there are better ways of doing it. just drop so food in the tank and wait a day or two and then test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, if ammonia and nitrite read zero and your nitrates are under 25 then you can add a fish
a cube might be too much, try a sprinkle of flakes, or just a small raw shrimp...if u have none, then just a small portion of the frozen cube...