Shawn's 48G Aquarium


Reefing newb
It's been around 6 weeks since I've started setting up my aquarium, given this is the first time I'm setting up a tank I figured this would be a good place to post my progress. I doubt it'll be too interesting to follow as I'm a beginner and will be buying really the basic stuff but if you see any obvious mistakes I might be making please provide feedback !

What I got is a 48G display tank (I think based on measurements) with an overflow sump below it. I bought one of the kits sold online which had stand, tank, sump and all the plumbing. I'm not much of a DIY type of person so figured it was the safest route. Main problem with the setup was it was way too loud.. but with help from people on this site I've managed to get the sound down to a level even my wife is happy with.



I got some live rock (probably not enough) and I believe the tank is fully cycled. I dumped in a table shrimp in the tank to get the cycle started and 2 weeks ago my ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels were all zero. Unfortunately it was just before my 2 week vacation so my tank has been sitting all this time w/ just the rock and some hitch hikers that came with it.

The rock seems to have a lot of nice colors to it.. I think most of it is coralline but suspect some of it is unwanted algae growth. Also noticing some crap building up on top of my sand which Im not sure what it is... so I've ordered some Nassarium snails and an emerald crab to get my CUC started.


Finally came back from vacation to see new critters attached to the side of the tank. Looks like some type of slug.. any idea if these are harmless ?



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Looks really good.

Some notes:
You dont have enough rock as you're aware. Try filling the rest with base rock since its tons cheaper. And everything will fill in those rocks to turn them live soon.
Put your heater in your sump to get that ugly thing out of your tank. After all, thats what sumps are for!
The stuff on your sand is likely diatoms, which the snails should help with. Are you using tap or RO/DI water? It's a normal stage, so just make sure to use RO/DI, don't overfeed and rinse foods in clean RO/DI. Not something that you can do now since there's no fish, but it's good to do when the time comes. Nick rinses his in a net and feeds from the net. Also gets the fish used to a net in the tank.

Aside from those, whats in your sump? What lighting came with the tank? Do you have a protein skimmer and if so, what is it?
Hi thanks for the feedback.

By base rock I guess that's the same thing as dry rock ? Given how expensive live rock is I've looked around but looks like its a foreign concept here where I live (Japan) as no online stores carry it and the actual physical stores I've visited don't carry it. Only live rock is available (or replica) and expensive as hell =). I've actually even considering ordering from the US to ship but cost of shipping defeats the purpose of doing that. I'm looking at online auctions at the moment hoping to find some deals to gradually stock up my tank.

I have a heater in the display tank and the sump since I read somewhere it was a good idea to buy 2 heaters instead of one and split between the 2 tanks in case either one failed or if the overflow failed... Would you say that was good advice.. I do agree its a bit unsightly ?

What is currently in my sump is just a protein skimmer and a backup heater. Water is going through a filter mat but plan to use a sock instead soon. Given my tank has finally cycled I plan to now put some chaeto and a light in there but haven't yet.

I am using rodi water.
Good to hear about RO/DI. Check Can't promise good shipping, though. Putting chaeto in is a good idea and lastly, that is decent advixe, however I would stick both in the sump, personally. I have 2 also in my 20 long sumpless. Considering a sump, though!

Sounds like you're off to a great start, though!
Good to hear about RO/DI. Check Can't promise good shipping, though. Putting chaeto in is a good idea and lastly, that is decent advixe, however I would stick both in the sump, personally. I have 2 also in my 20 long sumpless. Considering a sump, though!

Sounds like you're off to a great start, though!
Okay since both of you say so (I have no clue from where I got this idea at this point).. so I've moved the heater to the sump and it looks much better.

I got delivery of an emerald crab and some snails, it was nice to see the crab immediately start to go to town on the rocks. Not so nice that all the critters I got obviously are ones which tend to hide so I still have a tank with nothing visible most of the time. Given I'm scheduled to be out of town for a bit for work in 2 weeks (for 2 weeks) sounds like I won't be getting any fish for another month.. really can't wait. In the mean time got 15 kg more of rock last night so hoping I'm set after that.
Pics with the new rock?

Patience is key, friend. Look at it this way: more time to cycle and stabilize. My tanks gonna be fishless for at least more 3 weeks. We can be fishless together!
Love the set up :)! What type of lights are you using? They look like LEDs. If you're looking for good movement for CUC, check out Zebra Hermits. They are very active. :)
I meant to say I ordered 15 kg more of live rock from auction. Unfortunately the delivery man just brought it over and due to poor packing all the water ran out and the rock arrived completely dried up so I've had it resent back to sender. Its too bad it would've been a great deal for the price if it arrived properly packed.

Anthony I would love to get some hermits.. but I've read too much about people having hermit crabs eat their snails so for now staying away from them.
You could of just kept the rock you got, the live rock you already have would have turned it live in a bit. This is true, Hermits do eat snails, and other Hermits. I don't mind them though, all of my tanks have them :).