skimmer woes


Reef pro
First, id like to start off by announcing how much i hate hate hate skimmers.

When i first plugged the skimmer in bubbled like a rabid animal. Finally got that under control and working some what normal. Then today when i got my return and overflow finally set up and working, this thing has stopped bubbling. the bubbles pop as soon as they get to the surface, there is no build up at all like there had been previously. I tried adjusting the valve thingie to no avail.

This video kinda shows what is going on.

DSC_0001-17.mp4 video by little_fish2012 - Photobucket

I have no idea what would make it do this
It almost looks like fresh water going through the skimmer. Did your salinity change much with the overflow sump set up? My skimmer will go flat like that when the water changes to much, i.e. surface tension changes.
same skimmer but i never actually got to play with it until this week. I put it in when i moved my tank in the beginning of the summer.

That is what i though too Kev, and i dont think the salinity changed much. I was a little higher in the sump, but not by much
Anything else change? I have issues if I feed to much or add garlic to the food. But then again my skimmer sucks!!! Cant wait for the cash to upgrade...

Its just odd that it was working then nothing... The air valve isn't clogged or dirty is it?
Might have something clogging the intake of the pump. Might want to put the cover off and check the impeller for any stuck algae, give it a nice clean.
I agree that it could be something clogged somewhere. Mine looks like that when chaeto gets in the intake area. It could also be a loose seal somewhere - check to make sure everything is tightened and also check your o-rings and make sure you don't have a crack in one of them or something.