What are these?


Reefing newb
Can you guys (ladies) tell me what the two are with the arrows pointing to them?

Thanks yote the pic is kinda crappy. I've had the frags for a little over a month so they've grown a little and I've moved them around in the tank. I'll try to get a better picture and repost later.
Once I get a chance I'll break out the camera and snap some better pics but I think yote and Knucklehead provided the correct ID's in their posts. I googled some pics of an encrusting montipora and Porities and they appear to be what I have.
You guys still think this one is an encrusting montipora?

And this one is a Porite? I'm still having a tough time getting a good shot of this one. Scroll up if you want to see the pic from 3 months ago.
Hornet,can you get a closer shot of em?
I think that my ID was off:D That dont look like a Porites no more.
it looks like a ORA green birdsnest to me.

I looked at some pics of ORA green birdsnest around the web and I guess it's possible that is what this is. But if it is an ORA green birdsnest this coral is not doing to well. I just moved it again yesterday to a place in the tank with stronger flow. I keep an eye on it and see how it does.
Its a green birds nest - which is a pocillopora as knuckle mentioned (maybe ORA maybe not) is that picture old? it looks like it is doing fine.
Its a green birds nest - which is a pocillopora as knuckle mentioned (maybe ORA maybe not) is that picture old? it looks like it is doing fine.

I just took the picture yesterday. I was thinking it was looking bad because of the dark spots on the underside. Even considering my bad picture taking skills it still does not look like the pic on LiveAquaria, but I do think it looks similiar... So a green birds nest is what it will be :D


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