Calcium test kit comparison


Reef Hacker
I compared the results I got using 3 different calcium test kits. I used a Lamotte, a Salifert and a Sera. I only did each test 1 time and followed each set of instructions the best I could.


Cost: aprox $40
Made in USA
It measures in increments of 10 ppm, has nice glass parts and easy to follow instructions. But, it's hard to tell when you reach the end color and you need to dilute the tank sample with distilled water (I used 0 TDS RO/DI water for the test). Also, the plunger is somewhat tricky to read. It goes up to 200 in increments of 4. If the plunger reads 80, your at 413 ppm, if 82 your 423, if 84 your 433, etc.
My result: 433 ppm


Cost: aprox $25
Made in Holland
It measures in increments of 10 ppm, it's easy to tell when you reached the end color and it has easy to follow instructions.
My result: 430 ppm


Cost: aprox $12
Made in Germany
It measures in increments of 20 ppm but it's hard to tell when you reach the end color.
My result: 440 ppm

I think Salifert is the easiest to use. I bought the LaMotte kit in 1991, used all the reagents and put it away. I just ordered refills ($16) to test it out. Once I use up these reagents (50 tests), it's getting put away The Sera kit is OK for a quick, cheap test.
so what did you find to be the best, the salifert
Yep, Salifert....for ease of use and accuracy. The LaMotte is just as accurate, and if you have real good eyes you can read it down to 5 ppm, but it's harder to read and tell exactly when you hit the end color.
All 3 tests were very close in their results, so I would venture to say that they are all very reliable. Since they are basically equal in reliability, it's ease of use and cost that will decide which one to use. In that case, the Sera is probably the winner.
For ease of use, it's definitely the Salifert. You can clearly tell when the color changes. The Sera is really tuff to tell. I did that test last so I knew about where I should be. With that kit, you just count the # of drops you use (and x20) till the color changes. When I got to 18 drops (360 ppm) I slowed down and really looked hard. When I got to 22 drops (440 ppm) I thought it was good. I kept adding just to be sure and the color was starting to drift. If you have an idea where your ca is and don't mind only knowing it within 20 ppm, the Sera is a good deal.
I like the Lamotte better because it comes with a carrying case!!

Seriously,I use Salifert for calcium and akalinity.My kits are getting low so I've been using Elos mag and calcium.Similar results to the Salifert but simplier to use...just my two cents.

Thanks for the info,Capt.