d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread

I would think the smaller holes would trap moister right into the wood holes.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Winy obviously knows what she's talking about and if the vents worked for her massive tank it should work for mine.
I just have to work out where to cut the hole.
The main reason i left that one wall solid instead of making it a 4th door was so I would have somewhere to hang things. Right now i have a ballast and my RKL equipment mounted there. But it looks like i can leave everything where it is and cut the hole dead center. I'll have to see what kind of vent(s) I can find.
Here's one of my new little friends. :)

Wow hamazing picture (hamazing>amazing).

I wish my rebel could take pictures like that, I cant seem to get my white balance right and whatnot >_>.
Awesome get, Dennis! Do you know what kind that is? Is he a good guy or a bad guy? The way the green is sending out shoots, I'm thinking that's a caulerpa.

Ya, I think he's one of the red mithrax crabs. I got several of those and some porcelain crabs. Either of them are good.
I would say the green is definately Caulerpa and the white looks like lace sponge. I think it will grow into more of a web. Check out this page for some ID info and keep us posted. Just FYI there is a type of white lace sponge that is considered a pest. It grows very fast and will over take corals. If that's what this turns out to be, you should probably take care of it before you start stocking. Otherwise you will be trimming it on an on-going basis. Another good ID page
Some of that green stuff is called Halimeda(Money algae) Its a calcirous algae and used TONS of Calcium. So when are you going to attempt to get the rest of the hitchhikers out of the rocks?