Recent content by GassyMon

  1. GassyMon

    Possible Pregnant Ocellaris

    thanks guys I'm going to do some more reserch
  2. GassyMon

    Possible Pregnant Ocellaris

    I think my clowns might be laying eggs sooner than later. The two hang out/sleep in the same area and I'm 99% sure they are mates. The female (larger of the 2) belly has been large for 3-4 days that I have noticed. I only feed my fish usually Mondays, Wedsdays, Fridays and Sundays, so almost...
  3. GassyMon


    Thanks Everyone
  4. GassyMon


    Rinse the food, No but I put it in a little plastic cup (like for liquid medicen) and use tank water to thaw it.
  5. GassyMon


    Ya I thaw it. Thanks for the help everybody.
  6. GassyMon


    Around 1cm by .5cm by .5cm frozen brine shrimp cube.
  7. GassyMon


    I feed my fish once a day around 6, 3 fish and I buy water from the local fish store, I have the standard 29 gallon bio cube skimmer.
  8. GassyMon


    My phosphates are high in my tank, so now my green hair algae is taking over. I have been thinking what would happen if I used the BLACKOUT method to get rid of it. How do I do a proper BLACKOUT and is there a way to lower my phosphates at the same time?
  9. GassyMon

    New Blue Tang

    Haha ya its a reflection of the sand, rocks and a hermit crab for the eyes
  10. GassyMon

    Barnicle Preditors?

    My tank is around 75, not sure about where they came from. They sprouted out and started pulsing and tounging? the water into there shells but the hermit crabs were picking at them while they were pulsing.
  11. GassyMon

    Barnicle Preditors?

    On New Years Eve I had a party and me and my neighbor cooked sea food. We has scallops and saw living barnicles on them. They survived being trucked to Jewel, Frozen, put on ice, frozen again, sanitized and have been now thrown in my tank... I cleanned the shells and soaked them in saltwater and...
  12. GassyMon

    New Blue Tang

    Ok I told him and he said this Friday he can come pic him up... did anybody else notice that in the first picture in the bottom (ish) right corrner of the tank the Alligator/Gieco Gecco reflection in the glass?
  13. GassyMon

    New Blue Tang

    kk thanks I'll tell him he needs out
  14. GassyMon

    New Blue Tang

    Hes only an 1 1/2 inches. It's more my tang until he gets bigger and then my friend will take him... 95 gallon tank.
  15. GassyMon

    New Blue Tang

    opps forgot the pictures