Recent content by Matti

  1. Matti

    Biology Teacher, in need of advice

    Oh, gee, I didn't know that the Georgia aquarium was open yet. Is that the one that is supposed to be the biggest one in the world? My dad was telling me about that. I want to go! Please let me know!!! I only put The Dalllas World Aquarium because it's close to my Dallas home and it is...
  2. Matti

    Nitrate 911!!!!help!!!!

    Rayray, Yes, good numbers for all your hard work, Rayray!!! Maybe now you will be okay. I am sure you are aware not to overfeed, because the left over food decays and can cause spikes in all those chemicals for which you tested!! Some fish owners even feed every other day. What do you...
  3. Matti

    My Fish Family

    Hi! I am Matti. I live in Ft Worth, Texas, and got into salt water husbandry to help me concentrate on something other than my health problems. I absolutely love the hobby! I have two fish, Mac and Merri, both maroon and gold clownfish. Mac is the larger female and Merri is the smaller male...
  4. Matti

    Nitrate 911!!!!help!!!!

    Wow, I somehow missed the photos of your hexagonal aquarium. Truly a beautiful work of art! I am a total clown fanatic, and now will attempt to post some photos of my fishlets! Keep those pictures coming!! Matti
  5. Matti

    Nitrate 911!!!!help!!!!

    Are you and the fishlets still among the land of the living? You may want to attach clear tubing to a pump and run in some oxygen if the clown starts to huff and puff again. I did that for most of one day and for a couple of hours the next day. Three "fish experts" said it would not hurt...
  6. Matti

    Biology Teacher, in need of advice

    I think Marine Depot has the most competitive prices, plus look under the education tab. I just read a great article today. You could get all the kids to subscribe to Marinedepot's website by going to: I also agree with the grant writing part. Grant writing does take time...
  7. Matti

    Nitrate 911!!!!help!!!!

    I am praying for you and your fish. Breathe deeply and try to relax. If horses can pick up on our stress and get spooked, maybe fish can as well. If you have some Prime you can bind the nitrates to buy yourself some time. I had the exact same problem yesterday. I only have a 12 gallon...
  8. Matti

    Emergency STAT: 2 clowns breathing fast

    Update: Fish Gallery in Dallas was open!! I pulled the anemone because the fish have been standoff-ish around her the last two days. Then I put in some oxygen for 1 hour. Right now, oxygen (via pump like for freshwater tanks) has been off for 15 minutes and they are not breathing heavily...
  9. Matti

    Emergency STAT: 2 clowns breathing fast

    awakenedd this morning to clowns huffing and puffing. am checking labs now. please someone with experienc3e call me. I'll pay for the call later. Thanks, Matti
  10. Matti


    Thanks so much for that clairification!! That was just me, a beginner, trying to share "bookish" information with another newbie. I really appreciate the help!!
  11. Matti


    I have a Symbiotic Map of Clowns & Anemones. What type of clownfish do you have? You said, "common". Do you mean "False" (Amphiprion Ocellaris) or do you mean "True" Amphiprion percula? My chart says that a False clown will only host the following anemones: Ritteri Anemone (Heteractis...
  12. Matti

    Signs that a bubble tip anemone may split?

    An Office Chair?!!! Oh my. When I get a computer that has USB ports that aren't dead I'll upload pictures of my anemone. Thanks, Matti
  13. Matti

    Signs that a bubble tip anemone may split?

    Thanks, the splitting stuff has all ironed out. I am not sure what I was seeing earlier other than a loop being made with the tentacles, which were on the rock at the time. Thanks for the response!! Matti
  14. Matti

    New To Hobby

    Hi, I'm Matti, and I'd just like to extend to you a cordial fin, and welcome you to the club house, or, I guess I shoud say, the cyber aquarium. "Wow, does that sound wild, Spanky!" Before I forget, what, if you know at this point, would you like to put into your aquarium? I ask because I only...
  15. Matti

    Signs that a bubble tip anemone may split?

    Since the day I bought my maroon and gold clowns and bubble tip anemone, the anemone has not moved once. Well, last night, when I was feeling ill and went to bed early, the anemone moved about 3 inches off its throne to a flat slab of live rock. It was pinched up against the glass of the...