New To Hobby

welcome! Key here is patience and dont be afraid to ask anything! everyone here is helpful and full of good info. Send us some pics of your set up when your done!
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Hi, I'm Matti, and I'd just like to extend to you a cordial fin, and welcome you to the club house, or, I guess I shoud say, the cyber aquarium. "Wow, does that sound wild, Spanky!"

Before I forget, what, if you know at this point, would you like to put into your aquarium? I ask because I only wanted to start out by seeing if I could even handle salt water because I have rheumatoid arthritis, and my hands hurt 98% of the time. So, I got a 12 gallon Aquapod, and I love it. It's almost more than I can handle, which may be a reason for why I should have purchased something bigger. In this forum they say that bigger is easier. I'm sure that's true; but, it's also way more expensive, at least initially, as was mentioned earlier with the live rock.

I have two clownfish, Mac & Merri, and a rose-colored bubble tip anemone, whom I am sure the clowns have named our "Wobbie". They are as attached to it as is Linus to his blanket! I have two tiny pieces of coral, which I hope will one day grow. Otherwise my tank is pretty, not because I stacked my rocks pretty (I didn't), but because my clownfish-lets are so cute and perkey; and the anemone is gorgeous and huge.

Until I take care of what I have with dazzling speed (a term no one uses to describe me!) I'll be sticking to my 12 gallon Aquapod and the stand I bought with it--the whole enchilada is stunning. If my computer's ISB ports were not dying, I could post pictures because I finally found my camera on Saturday. Ugg!

Hope that helps!

Just do what you want, and we're here to back you up!!

Take care,
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Working in your tank may actually help your arthritius after a while.
I've noticed that my hands dont hardly stay as sore as they used to since I started the hobby.Maybe its just in my head,but maybe it aint.