Recent content by montezuma

  1. M

    Bicolor Angel

    Thanks, all. Two were from the same dealer, one a different one. Never thought of a parasite..probably it. It just ticks me off to lose such beautiful.....and expensive fish.
  2. M

    Holy Crap!

    Ugly creatures that can kill certain fish. I watch my six-lie wrasse eat the buggers. Also, told they will eat corals.
  3. M


    Added some agar to tank, told by store that it will absorb nitrogen and add O2, as well as a good fish food. What do you think?
  4. M

    Bicolor Angel

    In the last month purchased 3 bicolor angels, they last a week and die. Acclimate fine, eat well for 3-4 days, then get sliggish, stop eating and die. Previously had one that was 3yrs old. No tank bullies, water tests fine, have had clowns, gobies, six line wrasse, blennies, and mushrooms and...
  5. M lies about its guarantee!

    Thanks. had the same experience, and have placed my last order with them.