Recent content by Powrsurg

  1. P

    Newbie with water chemistry question

    Pain and instinctive response are two different things. Just because something looks like its in pain isn't. A chicken running around after it's head has been cut off feels o pain. In order to feel pain, you need a central nervous system, which fish appear to lack as per the opinion of most...
  2. P

    Newbie with water chemistry question

    Guy, all the material I've read, my friends, as well as the store I bought it at said to do it. As far as being cruel, most studies suggest fish lack a cental nervous system that enables them to feel pain. Maybe there is an agenda at play here and that's all good. I however have read a lot and...
  3. P

    Territorial already?

    Reading up on the fish is the funnest part. I'm really in no rush to buy more at this stage as I'm weighing my options on what kind of tank I ultimately want to have. Your right about the damsel especially the Four Striped Damsel. The Yellow tailed Blue and the Blue Devil are pretty docile...
  4. P

    Newbie with water chemistry question

    I was told to add the the fish by my dealer and was told the damsels will survive it. Not looking to argue just point out the fact that many other sites say you should have fish present during this process as well. Will I be buying more fish? No. But im not bringing these guys back. They...
  5. P

    Territorial already?

    1 fish per 10 gallons? I've been readin 1 fish per 5 gallons with the possibility of increasing to 1 to 3 if you have a very well established tank. I do have to narrow the list down further. This is just the first run. The garden eel and jawfish are top on the list thought.
  6. P

    Cannon EOS Rebel T2i Camera?

    I'm a Sony guy myself. Love the fact that they use the Minolta af mount. Canns are great cameras but if you really want power save the pennies and get the T3i.
  7. P

    New pics of the little munchkin

    Great shot. Very cute kid. just picked up a Sony A580 with a tamron 17-50. Looking forward to akin pictures of my fish. Lol
  8. P

    Territorial already?

    I remember now why I was told I could buy fish. The kid at the store (=stupid me) said that the live sand was going to cycle me immediately and that I wouldn't have to wait the week or two process. Oh stupid me. Lol
  9. P

    Newbie with water chemistry question

    Thank you. If reading into my numbers is possible I'd say I'm probably on the early side of cycling since the Ammonia and nitrite higher than nitrate.
  10. P

    Territorial already?

    Thanks for the advise! I would like an assortment of fish and invertebrates. The challenge is finding fish that won't eat each other, coral, or the invertebrates. I've been compiling a list based on some short research. Here it is. Clown Fish Squarespot Anthias Garden Eel (really want...
  11. P

    Territorial already?

    Thanks Erin, It's great to be here. After cycling is complete and I put more fish in, would the new ones stay to the right side if that is where they are placed? rock being expensive it's going to take a bit of time to connect both sides like you see in those nice reef tanks. PS - I...
  12. P

    Territorial already?

    I'm new to this hobby but am fascinated by it so far. I have a 75 gallon tank with a fuval FX5 filter, about 20-30 pounds of live rock and 40 pounds of live substrate. After setting up the tank and getting the water to temperature, it was suggested to me by my dealer to put a few Damsels in the...
  13. P

    Newbie with water chemistry question

    Hello everyone, I set up my 75 gallon tank on Saturday with 40 pounds of live substrate. Tested the water and everything was clear. I've added live rock about 25 pounds of live rock on Monday along with 3 cheap Damsels. I just tested my water and here are the numbers PH 8 Ammonia .50...