Recent content by ReeferMama

  1. ReeferMama

    protein skimmer input

    i was n the market for a new protein skimmer for my 55 gal. i currently have a sea clone 100. i was looking at the reef octopus needlewheel protein skimmer. would it be worth the upgrade?
  2. ReeferMama


    i found out its a sand sifting star for sure. as for its spikes stinging, it didnt sting me. i picked it up to put it n the tank. all it did was get hard. so far i havent seen it hurt anything n my tank and thats really sad bout the crown of thorns killing the great barrier reef. i had no...
  3. ReeferMama


    no just on the rock
  4. ReeferMama


    o and the secretions stuck for only a lil bit but r now gone
  5. ReeferMama


    it is a sand sifting star. that sounds like what the fish store told me. i thought it was reproducing or something like that but it didnt leave that much secretion behind. unless it was eating algae, that was the only thing on that spot of the rock. thanx to all for ur input. its much appreciated.
  6. ReeferMama


    now its belly swelled up and went back under the sand, leaving the white milky stuff on the rock.
  7. ReeferMama


    couple of questions first, what kind of starfish is this? and second, what is it doing? it was under the sand, where i heard it usually is, then it went up my rock and wrapped around a piece of the rock and started secreting a milk white substance. i tried to picture it. hopefully it will help.
  8. ReeferMama


    what do they(hermits) eat? i was told to add a cup of my water to the bag every 5 mins. but ive had them for 3 weeks before the first died then 3 weeks after that when the second died.
  9. ReeferMama


    Theres plenty of food (algae). i thought it was over eating at first but that didnt seem too likely. the bigger one could of killed the others but hes not that much bigger. and i have lots of big shells already n there. its ok. thanx to u all for ur replies :-)
  10. ReeferMama


    i thought it was stress from transport too at first but the first didnt die until 3 weeks after i got them and the second was 2 weeks after the first. fish store experts r stunted too. ill keep watching and see if anything else seems off. thanx for the replies
  11. ReeferMama


    i was wondering if yellowtailed blue damsels kill hermit crabs? i bought 3 but for some reason 2 have just come out of their shells and died. and the one thats still alive was bigger than the others. all my levels r normal. i have thriving growth on my live rock. anemones r fine. the damsel...
  12. ReeferMama

    Brittle Stars

    Wow! thats big. Thanx to everyone. Much appreciation.
  13. ReeferMama

    Brittle Stars

    Really!? i wonder y the fish store people told me the opposite. i was told that they sting. my sis got stung by one when the tank was at my moms. ok, ill stop removing them thanx
  14. ReeferMama

    Brittle Stars

    Thanx for the replies! Another question, i know i have some small brittleworms, which i know r not good. there r tiny, only 1/2 in to 1 in. my removal method is simply plucking them out w tweezers. r they harmful to my brittle stars? should i b worried?
  15. ReeferMama


    well, im new to using forums. i just started a thread n invertebrates. i had questions about brittle stars. i adopted 2(that ive seen) from some live rock i recently bought. was wondering if they had any special needs and if they r ever going to show me more than just the ends of there tiny...