37g Soon to be reef


Reefing newb
This is my 37g soon to be reef.. I have approximately 40 lbs of LR or so, a mated pair of tomato clowns, and a peppermint shrimp, along with cleanup critters. In the process of ditching the HOB aquac remora skimmer for a sump with internal reef octo nwb110 and mag 5 return, also trading the hydor koralias out for MP10's.. My LED lighting is also enroute via UPS. I find aquascaping this 37g a bit hard.. as of right now everythings just stacked.. does anyone have any suggestions?


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A lot of times a great aquascape requires some putty or something to bond the rock together so you can achieve the angles you want without risk of a rockslide. I like the tank though! All of the upgrades you are getting for it will be super fun! What kind of LED did you go with?
Thanks :) It was between the Sol, Radion or Kessil LEDs.. I decided upon the Ecotech Marine Radion XR30W Gen 2 to go with my MP10's. Cant wait to see what the lighting looks like over my tank.
How many mp10s did you pick up? For a 37 G, one MP10 should have been fine. I wish I knew someone with some of the Radions so I could actually see them. I'm curious about how the red 456 nm do with the LEDs. That is the only color I didn't go with on my DIY LED fixture.
That Radion will be SWEET! I went with the Kessil, and I love it but if I had the money I think I would have gone with the new Radion as well. I can't wait to see the tank all decked out with your new stuff!
I bought 2 mp10s for my 37.. lol all well.. I will let you know what I think of the reds in the radion moncapitane. I will post pictures once the light comes in. The kessil led's did look amazing and the reviews were great. I just wanted something I could further control with the apex controller. sunrise sunset etc.
. The kessil led's did look amazing and the reviews were great. I just wanted something I could further control with the apex controller. sunrise sunset etc.

Exactly why I would have went that route otherwise. Also so that I could run moonlight. But I agree the reviews couldn't be beat, and my tank is thriving under it. So far so good. It's only been a few months though.