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  1. S

    Yotes 125

    You would have found my dead body next to the snake. I imagine it was pretty funny from your aspect but I doubt the wife found humor. Congrats on the new tank and the camera. You have made some great friends on here. That was very nice of them.
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    Yotes 75

    Looks Great!
  3. S

    My little chunk of ocean! 210 Gallon Build

    vary nice, love the colors and aquascaping.
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    Doc's Shark Tank

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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    LOL I thought about it! I've also considered getting a couple Goats, but have trouble taking care of the tank the 2 dogs and myself, knowing how long I let the grass go you can use your imagnation as to what my house looks like....LOL I'm thinking it might be easier to bulldoze and rebuild.
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    still at it, got my hubby hooked now!:bounce: He picked the cowfish, even after the salesman said it would out grow my tank.....:D which means upgrade! Been good, Extremely busy though not on much anymore. I get about 1 day a month off work and it's usually to go visit my son. Last Sunday...
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    added a couple new friends just wanted to share. I also got a green Ricordia (no Picture) and happy to report my Mandarin is still fat and happily mowing down on frozen food.
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    My tank

    Tank is looking good.
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    Stagofdoom.....go bigger than 55 when you upgrade. I felt the limits of the 55 at startup. Sounds large but it's really not, but I new this was my beginner tank to learn in. In a few years when I am able to move south or west (haven't decided yet) I plan at least 120. Already looking forward to...
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    I didn't realize shrimp molted. That's probably what it is then. Thanks that makes me feel a little better. I thought I had a killer on the loose in there.
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    Manarin is doing great.....eats Brine, mysis and cyclopeze like a PIG!
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    I also picked up 3 Peppermint shrimp and discovered this mornig that one has been eaten. I found his shell in one of the caves.........Who would kill him? Would my Emerald crab get my shrimp?
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    I forgot what this one is (note to self: Take marker with you to swap so you can write on the bag what it is and what color:frustrat:) Current FTS The floating bag has a small Ricordia in it thaat I am trying to get to attach to the rock. I really need to set up a sump to clean up the...
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    Eagle Eye Zoa Green shroom Green Favia Cabbage I believe this Acro will be Purple Birds nest This is green plate
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    My actinics are burned out so not the greatest pictures but sharing anyway. These are the frags I got at the swap and a few of the fish that were feeling photogenic this morning. Blue Ricordia, Starting to split Pink and blue Zoa's, not quite awake yet Lewey just havin fun Allens...
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    Free Marine Software

    :bounce: Awesome find! I created a spreadsheet a few months ago, this is going to be sooooooo much better. Thanks for sharing!
  17. S

    Yotes 75

    Looks great Yote.
  18. S

    keeping a mandarin goby?

    I've had mine 4 months and he eats frozen brine like crazy, he seems fat and happy. No agressive tank mates either though. He has as much personality as my Lawnmower. They kinda pal around and sometimes they look like they are playing peek-a-boo with me. My Mandarin spends a lot of time...
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    shihtzu217's 55gal

    That is a Scolymia (donut coral)
  20. S

    shihtzu217's 55gal

    This is what I've been dreaming of for 6 months but he's not fragging it yet.:disappoin