shihtzu217's 55gal

My actinics are burned out so not the greatest pictures but sharing anyway. These are the frags I got at the swap and a few of the fish that were feeling photogenic this morning.

Blue Ricordia, Starting to split

Pink and blue Zoa's, not quite awake yet

Lewey just havin fun

Allens damsel

2 heads Hammer

green apple Zoa's, and Acro (I think will be green)



I forgot what this one is (note to self: Take marker with you to swap so you can write on the bag what it is and what color:frustrat:)


Current FTS The floating bag has a small Ricordia in it thaat I am trying to get to attach to the rock. I really need to set up a sump to clean up the tank and get the equipment out of view.
I also picked up 3 Peppermint shrimp and discovered this mornig that one has been eaten. I found his shell in one of the caves.........Who would kill him? Would my Emerald crab get my shrimp?
I didn't realize shrimp molted. That's probably what it is then. Thanks that makes me feel a little better. I thought I had a killer on the loose in there.
Yeah, crabs and shrimp molt. Occasionally you'll find little "bodies" or shells of their bodies around the tank. Kinda creepy looking, but that's how they grow.
Stagofdoom.....go bigger than 55 when you upgrade. I felt the limits of the 55 at startup. Sounds large but it's really not, but I new this was my beginner tank to learn in. In a few years when I am able to move south or west (haven't decided yet) I plan at least 120. Already looking forward to the aquascapeing possibilities and the fish I can have in a larger tank.