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  1. L

    New 125 gallon setup from scratch

    I do believe a refugium is another biological filter, things that would normally get eaten or killed in the main tank are grown/raised there. I'm sure a kit for a 200 gallon aquarium would be more than enough for your tank, but I don't think that one can have water that's TOO clean. Now on...
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    New 125 gallon setup from scratch

    Indeed they are! Sumps make everything much much better. I got one with a sump with the tank that got dropped on me. I had dealt with FW before, and I think the sump makes it easier.. In other news I learn that I can put my heaters in the sump.. there's another cord I don't need to run up the...
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    Red slime..!

    I'll try getting a better picture of it with my macro lens tomorrow, lights are off now.
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    Red slime..!

    Ok, I also called my cousin, but she says its a beneficial algae which was growing for well over a year to reach that size... Maybe the camera's making the the algae look different?
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    Red slime..!

    Update.. Just did my weekly water test, everything's looking ok, ammonia levels are at ~.25 ppm, also noticed this yesterday when I was removing the cyano. Should I scrape it off as well?
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    How To Move A Tank?

    I would 3-4 people (including you) to move the tank, having more people just to makes things easier, dividing the weight more and the like.
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    Red slime..!

    They were fine with the mushrooms. At least from what I know. However i would rather my money not be eaten, so any corals that I MIGHT be able to try?
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    Red slime..!

    Tank is 2ft deep. and yes I do want corals, my cousin was able to have corals at the top of the pile, (those blue shrooms that died..)
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    Red slime..!

    I've already learned.. I'm a fountain pen user/slight collector, I'm afraid to add up my receipts lol.. I'm guessing somewhere in the upper 5k or so range, over 5 years, before then I used my parents! I'm reading that power compacts are no good and T5s are better, should I upgrade?
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    Red slime..!

    appx $200 total for all the new stuff I'm getting, plus the 36" power compact I bought.. not bad for a free tank lol.
  11. L

    Red slime..!

    I adjusted the #4 output to blow onto the chest and rocks, my problem with this is the live rock goes almost right up to the glass in some places, so a powerhead or two mounted at an angle would be better for blowing into the pile.
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    Red slime..!

    My cousin only used the flow coming into the tank, I need to get a couple powerheads.
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    Red slime..!

    Well! time to spend the hundreds I saved on a free tank eh? I got home today, was feeling better than normal so I took off the canopy, then brushed (and scooped) out as much of the slime as I could. I think I'll need to remove the chest to properly clean it.
  14. L

    Red slime..!

    Ok, I'll go and see if I can get 2-3 #3s or #4s. 1. There's eggcrates with bags of activated carbon lying on top of them, then connections for the skimmer and pump to main tank. 2. The black sponge isn't really a sponge its actually split carbon, one of bags of the stuff broke while in transit...
  15. L

    Red slime..!

    for 1. I will do that, probably 2 or 3 of the #1s, I also probably should've done this earlier, quick paint sketch of how the water flow works in my tank. #2,3,5,6 all blow downwards and towards the center of the tank, they create a slow current that blows everything towards the center...
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    How To Move A Tank?

    Try to have something that'll keep the water moving.. all I had when we moved the tank from my cousins house was a heater.. weather was freezing I think they barley survived, we literally moved water with our hands to keep them alive.
  17. L

    Red slime..!

    Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately there's only 2 pumps in the system, one that takes water from the sump into the skimmer and the other one that pumps water back into the main tank. I will however, direct one of my outputs into the main tank to blow onto the chest and hope it helps...
  18. L

    Red slime..!

    Thank you very much, I'll do some research of my own and wait for what others say... On a side note, she never had a problem with the slime, the whole setup, live rock and sand and all were perfectly fine. of course we had to make lots of new water and were only able to keep about 50 gallons of...
  19. L

    Red slime..!

    I've been involved 2 months, however there's the help of a cousin who's been with this for 8 or so years. She dropped this tank on me, since she no longer wanted to work wit them. Any suggestions on a poly filter? I'm still new, and probably am gonna be calling my cousin again for what will...
  20. L

    Red slime..!

    I'm pretty sure its that red slime.. but need to make sure and figure out a way to fight it. This is the state of the treasure chest, I'm pretty sure of it be covered with some kind of bad growth. And just for kicks.. my favorite fish in the tank, the triangle.