Search results

  1. S

    45g to be sold soon

    i have a 45 gallon tank that im looking to sell. i have about 50lbs of live rock, about 20 assorted corals (nothing too fancy) a few anemone and a couple fish, as well as a variety of cleaners (snails crabs etc.). i run a 75g canister filter and a 60g skimmer. im looking to sell the entire setup...
  2. S

    emerald crab and serpent star issues

    i have a few questions about my emerald crab and serpent star... the other day when i fed my tank my emerald crab came bolting out from the rocks, which he doesnt usualyy do (i almost never see it) the concern i had was that he is turning white. it almost looks like a calcium build up on the...
  3. S

    identity crisis - anemone

    ive had this anemone for about 2 years now, in the store it was labelled sand anemone. ive looked online and cant find anything by that name, it lays flat on the substrate and its kind of pink with short cream coloured tentacles (dont know what to call them??). its about the size of a CD lying...
  4. S

    to host or not to host

    last week i got 2 small ocellaris clowns that had not yet determined their sex. they did a little dance for a couple of days and now i believe they have figured out who wheres the pants in the relationship... i have a frogspawn coral set up in the centre of the tank, along with other various...
  5. S

    boy or girl????

    as i mentioned before i just bought 2 new small ocellaris clowns. i asked they guy at my LFS for a male and female, but he said that at their size they are neither yet....once they get bigger they will pair off into a male and female couple. is this accurate? they seem to be doing a funny dance...
  6. S

    new clowns

    is there anyway to encourage my 2 new perc clowns to take residents in my anemone...i know its kind of hit or miss whether or not they will, but i was curious if there was anything i could do to better the chances?
  7. S

    the next purchase

    i needed help deciding on my next purchase at my local fish store, i want one new fish and one new coral (medium/high light). i currently have: 1 red spot hawkfish 1 lawnmower blenny 1 serpent star 1 emerald crab lots of various hermit crabs and snails 1 frogspawn 1 branching hammer 1 cabbage...
  8. S

    6 hours...

    hi, today i spent about 6 hours cleaning my 30 gallon reef tank, i let it go for quite a while without cleaning it and i finally had the time to do it. there was a mass of slime aglae and green algae (caulerpa i think?) covering the live rock, glass and substrate. i replaced all the sand...