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  1. Y

    Dying Red Brain Coral

    I got this frag of a Red Brain Coral that looks like it's dying. I have tried putting it closer to the light but I don't think it's helping...Also when I feed the corals I don't spot feed I just put the zooplankton in the water...should I be spot feeding?
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    Shrunkin Mushrooms???

    K so I have some mushrooms that I added to my tank about 2 weeks ago...When I put them in the tank they were wide open but now they always look shrunkin and unhealthy. Does anyone know why or have any suggestions? This is What they looked like when I first got them...
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    Missing Mushroom!!??

    So I went to bed last night and everything in my tank looked perfect. When I woke up this morning one of my mushrooms was just gone...there is some white cotton looking stuff where it used to be on the rock. Do Emerald Crabs eat Mushrooms?
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    Over Feeding???

    So I have a 26 Gallon with 2 False Percs(1 inch), 1 Blackray Goby(1 inch), 1 Yellow tail Damsel(1 inch), and a Royal Gramma (1.5 inch). I'm always worried that i'm over feeding or under feeding. I will usually feed once in the morning and once at night. Is that to much, to little, or just right?
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    Jake's 26 Gallon Reef (3 Months Old)

    So This is my 26 gallon tank. I have about 32 pounds of LR. 10 snails 10 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs 1 Emerald Crab 1 Yellowtail Blue Damsel 2 False Perculas 1 Royal Gramma 1 Blackray Shrimp Goby
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    Hey whats up guys!

    I'm Jake...I'm new to this site. I have a 26 Gallon Reef tank that I started in May 2009. I plan on having pics up soon! Thanks