Missing Mushroom!!??


Reefing newb
So I went to bed last night and everything in my tank looked perfect. When I woke up this morning one of my mushrooms was just gone...there is some white cotton looking stuff where it used to be on the rock. Do Emerald Crabs eat Mushrooms?
Shrooms are notorious for jumping off the rocks for a sabbatical. If your system is healthy, it is very likely that your shroom will pop up in a new place in a week or so. Undoubtedly not a place that you will be thrilled with. That's just how they roll!
If it gets sucked up in a pump-------- you'll have thousands of them. :mrgreen:

I call it ghetto fraggin'

Toss that sucker into a powerhead intake and walk off!!
Mushrooms alway end up everywhere, usually where you don't want them! I try to catch them before they attach and put them in a more desirable place. It works half the time.
They do tend to detach, float around, land somewhere new, and re-attach. In my tank, they all seem to re-attach to the rocks at the bottom of the stack in the very back. Where no one can see them.