20g mantis build ?

Would this be to much light for my mantis shrimp tank build? Its a smaller version of what i have on my reef tank. I was going to try to keep a few corals in the tank if possible and ive read that people have been able to do this...or would this be too much light? WPG comes out to 4.8

24" T5 Light HO Aquarium Marine Reef Cichlid 96W Lunar - eBay (item 290484310377 end time Nov-04-10 17:56:12 PDT)

or should i just go with something like this?

SolarMax HO 24" Double T5 Lunar Aquarium Strip Light - eBay (item 300398886987 end time Nov-16-10 06:07:07 PST)
That first one would be good to keep corals but, I'm not sure if it would be too much for the mantis. I don't know of they need less light. But, of the two I'd say go with the first one, you'll have more options as far as corals plus, it's cheaper.
Just read this on a different forum

"also do not go overboard with lighting because mantis shrimp can form shell rot from too much light/too strong of lighting which can make them sick and eventually die"

HMmm maybe the more expensive one is the way to go....i dont plan on keeping rare corals or sps for that matter in the tank....just some random zoo's, maybe some gsp...nothing that is light DEMANDing...

If anyone has any suggestions or links to better light hook me up..the lights must have built in moonlights tho..
Try catalina aquarium. He has a ton of lights and will custom make anything you want. Call him for the best price. The website prices usually go down if you call him and talk to Jim. :mrgreen: