30" light?


Reef Junkie
Looking for a light to go onto my 36 gallon bow front tank. Either t5 or led. Anybody have any links for me? I looked on aquatraders and didn't find what I needed. Thanks!
Odd I thought aquatraderse had a light that would fit that, both T5 or LED (the evo quad). But if not have you considered doing maybe one of the cheaper LED fixtures. Im sure it would only take a single fixture in order to cover the entire tank. If not you could probably look (ill try to locate the link) at the t5 setup from ebay that people are having success with on here. They have them in multiple sizes on their ebay site and were rather cheap (you would obviously need to replace all the bulbs though).
ya there have been some bad things that they have shipped. i got my birdsnest coral from them and it was in half when i got it. I called and they said they would send me a second on for free. after i took pics and sent it. i got the pieces to the rocks and got the second one in but the only one that lived was the second one. but i have got food, snails, shrimp, fish, corals, enemonies, and crabs and i have had good results. that was the only problem i had really.
A single positive experience is hard to use when compared to the mountain of bad they have in their past. I think this is something that can be experienced with all places (a bad experience from a great place etc), I think those with more bad than good should really be looked at when it comes to making a purchase. I would much rather order from somewhere that has proven time and time again to provide excellent service, product, and customer support and that just hasnt been aquacon.