72g bow

Mario, don't sell yourself short. The fact that you've seen continued good health and growth in your system is nothing less then outstanding. The ocean isn't filled with just the 500$ 1" pieces. Variety is what makes it amazing, and that's what makes your tank stand out as well. Keep up the good work, bud!
I have. What you do, is wait until it is deflated at night. Take it out of the tank and wrap a rubber band around it, between the mouths. Then place it back in the tank. Once the lights come back on, and it starts to inflate, the rubber band will cause it to rip pretty cleanly. Once that happens, you take it out and use a band saw to cut the skeleton that is exposed. After that, dip it, and then put it back in the tank to heal :). If you check out google or youtube, I'm sure you can find a video of someone doing it. And Seymour is a pretty unique name lol :)
Feed me seymour, off of the little shop of horrors......I really honestly know nothing about them. He's only had 3 mouths since the beginning and I'm not sure if they gain more mouths over time or....... The only thing I want out of the tank is the most east nem. I've tried to get him out for a year now, the rocks are all cemented together, I'm opted to cutting it.
Feed me seymour, off of the little shop of horrors......I really honestly know nothing about them. He's only had 3 mouths since the beginning and I'm not sure if they gain more mouths over time or....... The only thing I want out of the tank is the most east nem. I've tried to get him out for a year now, the rocks are all cemented together, I'm opted to cutting it.
Ice cube, cold butter knife or a gentle foot massage with the fingers will make it turn loose. If that doesn't work snatch a power head and give it a little too much flow. It takes a little time to do it without injury but I have the upmost confidence in your skills;)
I've tried the cold knife and powerhead. He has his foot sandwich between the upper and lower rock. I gave up, I don't mind him, he takes up to much room. He is the clone, and of course he stays bubble tipped and the other is a blob