A Couple of Questions


Reefing newb
I did my first water change today. My main question is that with adding new distilled water, How do I get the tank pH back up if it falls to low?

One of my clown fish died yesterday. It developed a white film on its head and died the same day. I called my LFS and they said they have lost 8 clown fish in the same batch I bought from (great). They better give me some credit for that fish! Anyway I was wondering if I could put another clown fish in the tank now because your supposed to put 2 in at once for a matched pair?
They should replace your fish since they got a sick batch. Yeah. I'm interested in that question too. Do you really have to put clown fish in pairs? Or is just one okay? I think I heard in this forum that you can put them in alone. I duno.
Usually a water change will correct your PH depending on the brand of salt mix used.I know that with Oceanic my PH with a fresh mix is always 8.3.But if it does happen to drop below 8.0 then you can dose some buffer.I like the Kent Super Buffer for that.

As for your clown passing on to that big reef tank in the sky,I hate to hear that.I've never heard of a white film developing on a living fish,so I have no idea whats up with that.But I wouldnt add anything untill I figured out what the film was and what caused it.If that LFS has lost that many,then I would NOT get another one from them.
Clowns will do fine by themselves.You just have to remember that when you add another clown its either got to quiet a bit smaller than the one you already have or a lot bigger.
Thanks for the info everyone. The LFS definately got a bad batch in since they lost over 8 clowns, so I am sure its nothing to do with my tank.

I will add another clown in my tank but not from that store.
I agree with yote either get a really big clown or a really small one if you want them to pair up....... BTW the smaller ones are harder to keep alive so I would go for a bigger on. I also use the kent marine super buffer with great results.
My clown fish died of the same thing. It's called the clown fish disease and it's cause by a parasite. Can cause death in 24-36 hours. I've learned to ask when they got their fish. I got another clown and it's just fine. Of course I got it from a different pet store. The Clarkii clown is more hardy. It's more of a brown and white color though.