Aggressive Algae Blenny?


Reef enthusiast
Been meaning to post a question about this for some time, but keep forgetting. My algae blenny is very aggressive towards my green clown goby. Of all fish it has to pick on the little guy. I've read that algae blennys are fairly peaceful except towards it own kind or fish with a similar shape to them. It will actually chase and bite the GCG. Any thoughts?
I`ve just seemed to notice that alot of times blennies and gobies dont always get along. Sometimes they do but not always. I`ve had a few of them in my tanks also. Just something that happens.
I just picked up a Blenny yesterday. He is aggressive towards my Blue Devil Damsel but the damsel may just be getting to close and the blenny wants to set his boundaries.

He was very timid at first, hiding in the rocks. This morning I noticed he found another hiding place and was exploring more of the tank. (Biocube 14) I hope he starts eating the hair algae! That's the reason I bought him.
Wow old thread :D

Mine wouldn't touch the long hair algae. Like Erin, I trimmed mine...he still wouldn't touch it. The only ones who finally at my long hair algae were my tang and coral beauty.

My lawnmower blenny was pretty pushy with the foxface when I put in algae sheets. But he's not so much aggressive, now that the tang's been bullying him. I guess they're just opportunists.
I bought algae infused brine shrimp to feed my blenny.

Does anyone have a good way of feeding them? I haven't tried using the brine yet (as I said, I just got the blenny) but I can just see my clowns being overly aggressive. And so far the blenny has just hung out on the bottom, under the rocks. I suppose if he's hungry enough he'll come out.

I may be jumping the gun here since I just got him two days ago but I've read in posts on here of blenny's starving to death and I don't want that to happen.
Actually yeah, he looked fat. I'm going to try the feeding tonight and see how it goes.

I've been told both, 4 is too much and 4 is the max in my tank. If I keep up with water changes, it doesn't seem to be a problem. Thanks for the advice.
No, they really need to be in a 30 gal or larger. They get pretty big. But you should identify why you are getting hair algae to make them go away.
I finally saw the blenny eating algae today. I bought some seaweed and rubberbanded it to a rock only to see him finally eat the tank algae. Oh well, hopefully I'll get the tank algae under control and he will move to the seaweed.