

Hey, I can't remember the name of the algae. I've been starting to see more and more of the them as of lately. They grow on the rocks and almost look like little corals. Sorry very vague I know. I was told it they're not bad or good for the aquarium, but can sting the actual coral.
My anenome has some of the algae around it. The anenome is trying to move away from them. Doesn't look very healthy now.:shock:
I don't know how bad they sting but they spread like weeds and look ugly. If they are large enough then you can inject (insulin syringe) them with aptasia-X, calkwasser or lemon juice. Lemon juice worked for me. If they are tiny litte ones then introduce some peppermint shrimp and cross your fingers. I had tiny ones that couldn't be injected and a peppermint ate them all (about 75 of them). Take care of it sooner then later. Some people can't get them to go away and wind up boiling the rocks. Good luck.
Thanks. Yeah, I have the shrimp. It's not crazy but doesn't look great. How do you go about with lemon juice. Take the rock out and just spray it down then rinse?
NO DO NOT DO THAT. You have to get an insulin syringe and stab the anemone and inject it with a tiny bit of lemon juice. You can do it right in the tank.
Excess food and dirty water will fuel aiptasia growth but you cant limit those things enough to cause them to die out, just slow their growth a bit