All my cleanup crew are dying

I don't think it was sudden. I may have got lazy and didn't do a water change for over 2 weeks. I usually add top off everyday so salinity probably goes down a fraction every other day.

Maybe I'm cruel but after checking everything and doing some maintenance I added 12 blue legged hermits (only crew I thought actually worked hard) so I will see how they make out.
If i was you, i would take a sample of water to a quality LFS and have them run all the tests including copper as biff suggested. If they wont do it for free, just pay them its worth it to start eliminating possibilities to get to the bottom of this.
I don't have kids so no pennies in my tank. Water changes go directly from my ro/di to a 5 gallon barrel then into my rubbermaid. Mixed with a rubber thing.

the hermits I added and 2 turbos are all still alive after 4 days. I'll keep you updated.