

Stop Quoting Me!
I've got a pink square anthias (male)....He seems healthy but lonely, I'd like to add one or possibly 2 more slightly smaller anthias (females)...Here are my questions.

1. Since they are semi-aggressive, would there be issues adding more anthias to the tank since he's already established?

2. If there wouldn't be an issue with adding new anthias, would they at that point school up?

And if this isn't possible, I'd like to get some small to medium sized schooling fish(3-5) that are peaceful, any suggestions?
I think you'd be alright to get a couple of female square spots.Yeah,the male is gonna be aggressive toward them,thats why a trio works out better.Just when you get the females,get both at once.
1)As long as you put females then you are okay.He is still going to show aggression.Just like all male anthias,he is going to put the females in their place.

2)Schooling?Possibly,I've notice that my anthias don't really school anymore now that they are comfortable with their surroundings.Sometimes they shoal together when scared but not often anymore.

Cardinals,though they rather hover together then swim around together.
NO kidding....those damn things gotta be the most overrated fish ever...I paid $25. for that broken fish.
Okay,cardinals are out.haha!

Fish shoal for protection.It's hard to replicate that kind of environment in a home system,me thinks.
I swear I'm gonna get some sort of battery operated remote control fish and drop it in the tank one day and just chase his ass around the tank jsut to get him to move.. I'm starting to think that he doesn't know how to swim. My kids have started calling him 'Bobber".
I think that's the cool part about the cardinals. But I'm probably just being naive :)

The boyfriend won't let me get one.