auto top off idea and build log


Reef enthusiast
so i've been topping my tank, well actually the sump/fuge off by hand 2 times a day now ince i got it set up, and quite frankly i would like to not have to do it like that any more. So i looked around, and i found several options, but most all of them required a pump and electrical stuff, and thats all fine and good, but i'm of the mindset that simpler is better.

So, i started looking around, and i think i've come up with a very simple answer. A float valve. So i went to Tractor supply and looked around. They had one thats designed for a water traugh, like for livestock, its all plastic, but its fairly large for my tiny sump. So i kept looking and i came across an automatic dog water bowl, basically you hook the garden hose to it, and as the water level goes down, there is a float inside that will open a valve and let new water come in. Its small, it simple, and the whole dog bowl only cost me like $15. So what i plan to do is to take the float and valve out of the dog bowl, and mount it in the sump, and plumb to it with just gravity feed from my top off water supply.

My thinking is that when the water level in the sump gets low enough, the valve will open, and let new water in.

Simple, right?

Well i have the dog bowl, but i havent had time to start in on making it all work, but i thought i'd just throw it out there and see what ya'll thought.

Then really all i have to do is about once a week, fill up the top off resivoir and the rest is automatic.

Thoughts? Ideas? see a problem?
I did the same thing with a plastic float valve I got at Ace Hardware for a toilet. I hooked it up to my water reservoir, which was raised above the sump, and let gravity do the rest. All of the parts cost me less than $15. It worked, but floats tend to get stuck eventually, so you'll need to make sure you replace it if you start noticing it working funny.
The only problem is that floats can be unreliable over time. How many toilets have you had to jiggle the handle to get them to stop running? Just putting it out there not saying it wont work.
jiggeling the handle has sbsolutely nothing to do with the float and or the water running because of the float. jiggeling the handle moves the flapper valve around so that it seals and water stops running out the bottom of the tank into the bowl...

so anyway, i tried to make the dog bowl floaty work, but i needed to bend the brass rod that was between the floaty and the valve. rather than bending, it just snapped...

i gave up and walked away...

now i'm thinking about what i could replace that brass rod with...


i mean, i could solder it into the position i want it in, or i could use some brass tubing that i have, and hodge podge it together like that.. but..... well for one thing, the solder in that saltwater environment scares me...
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oh yea thats right, common, basic metalurgy, brass is an alloy of copper, and copper is bad in salt tanks... dangit...
well, that stick from the valve to the float was the only part that wasnt plastic, so, i wonder if i can make a new stick outta a plastic clothes hanger... superglue is safe in the tank right? and just for future reference, how safe is hot glue? is that gonna leak anything into the water??

i went and looked at that link, i did find a couple other things on that site that i may have to get when i get ready to reconfigure the tank...
I know it is ghetto, but what I did when I had a sump was to take some juice bottle and fill them up. I placed them upside down in the sump and positioned them to a height that I wanted the sump at (they just happened to be the right size where the sides of the tank gave enough resistance to hold them in place). When the level got to low, air would displace the water in the bottle until the water level in the sump was above the opening. Like I said pretty ghetto but it did work. Still needed to replace the water in the bottle every other day though.

yea i was thinking of doing something exactly like that... but i couldnt find a bottle and location combination that i liked..., so tried it, but abandoned it...
I think i'm gonna try and see wht i can come up with to make this valve thing i have work..
I'll try and remember to take pics as i go.. but i have such a crappy memory, i forget to take pics till i'm all done most times...