BFFs Death Pact

just because there is no bullying going when yer watching for it doesn't meen it isn't happening, I know my fish do act a little different when either me or my wife are staring at the tank or anyone for that fact of the matter.. let me give ya an example for the longest time I couldn't keep the most common and easiest corals and it seemed like every NEW fish I added either made it or I found it on the floor a month later and the most unlikely fish was the bullier, CORAL foward,, two days ago I bought the wife a pearly jawfish for her b-day,(keep in mind I have a MATED AND HOSTING) pair of maroon's witch I would expect to see a little aggression out of, but no, it's not really aggression but the stupid little watchmen gobie seem's to be the only inhabitant slightly annoyed..go figure..
My fish come up to me when Im near the tank, and come right near my hands when Im working in there.

When my wife comes near the tank, they all go and hide....:D