Biff's 90 Gallon Downgrade

hahaha! crabs piss me off! its like i have 5 crabs per gallon. they have taken over my aquarium!

I might just send them to biff so she can save money on crabs
The new lights were shipped today!

I'm going to have to reaquascape, since I have way too much rock in my tank, and absolutely no space on the sandbed for corals. Which means I have to move the clowns elsewhere in the tank :( I hope they find a new accessible place to lay their eggs.
I just reaquascaped. I gotta say, you know your light is bad when you've got sponge growing ON TOP of the rocks!!

I ended up removing a few rocks so that there's an open sandy area in the right side of the tank. I moved the extra rocks to the fuge. I really released a lot of muck into the water :( I'm going to test for trates in an hour or so, after everything has settled.

And about the lights... I paid $10 for slow ground shipping. Turns out, the lights ship from Tempe, AZ so they'll be here tomorrow! Overnight shipping, yay! I'm sooooo excited.