Biffy Finally Gets a Build Thread!

Hmmm but I don't want to spend any more money on equipment!! Maybe I will plan on setting up the closed loop system in the future. I just bought four Koralias for flow, and those things are expensive as hell. Hopefully that will be good enough for now.
they can be returned im sure. and if your going to do it i would do it now becasue you will have to drill another hole. kinda hard once its set up right?
holy :pooh: Biff. You suck rocks AND eggs. How did you score such a deal? I have such tank envy, (Moderated). What are you going to stock in that beast!!! Probably not going to put in Pomocanthus angelfish, huh? Now I have to go find thrift stores to score my own deal. dammit.

Basically, I am jealous.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
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I got it at my LFS! They were selling it for $600 because it needed so much work, but they like me there, so they gave it to me for $100 AND delivered it to my house for me!!

You boys just try and keep up with the ol' Biffmeister...
Ohhhh so it has something to do with being a girl huh? Im sure that if the people who run that shop were ladies id have that tank for around the same amount. lol jk Hey can i ask how much the RODI system with the TDS handheld meter was? Id like it for drinking water too!
Awesome. Theres a "new reef" 100gpd RODI water filters. Theres also "Aquarium 6st 100 gpd RODI Water filters. (both around 60 bucks) they look pretty good. Since i found that aquafina or whatever was double reverse osmosis treated tap water i figure id like to get some cheap water bottles to rotate every week and filter my own water.
I got the TDS meter today. But the RO unit hasn't even been shipped yet.

Did that meter come calibrated? I would like to know what the TDS is directly from your tap and then test it after the RO/DI. After the RO/DI it SHOULD read less than 2 ppm.
Nope! It didn't come calibrated. It says it needs to be calibrated in an NaCl solution before use. But did not come with the NaCl solution. DUH! Luckily I work in a science lab, so I'm going to take it into work with me on Saturday and calibrate it and try it out. I was curious to test my tap water, my RODI water and RODI water from my LFS too.
Today some of my new equipment arrived. I had to go pick up the lights at the DHL warehouse :(. These things were HEAVY and barely fit in my little car.


My RO unit also arrived. With a 20 page instruction booklet. I'm waiting on Neal to set that one up :)


Of course, I had to buy some trash cans to store the 240 gallons of water that will be produced soon...


Oh and these are part of the lights too. I have no idea what they are. They are big heavy metal boxes of some sort.


My living room and dining room are filled with boxes and styrofoam and tons of CRAP. It's a disaster zone. I can't wait for it all to be put away and cleaned up and the tank set up and ready to go.

And yes, that is the Season 1 of MacGyver DVD set in the background of the picture of the trash cans. Richard Dean Anderson is only the coolest Canadian EVER!!!
I think the black boxes are ballasts,
Those lights look awsome What bulbs did you get,

I have actually been reading up on the LED light fixtures
the are VERY CRAZY EXPENSIVE but i think the 50,000 hour bulb life will help offset the cost.. 400w Solaris LED Fixture is the one i was lookin at. i think the was something like $3400
Ya one of the display tanks at my LFS uses the Solaris lights. They are amazingly bright.

I got actinic T5s and 10K 250 watt halides. Decided to go with the 10Ks over the 20Ks.
Those stuff look great.Those lights should allow you to grow any kind of algae you desire.I never really watch Mcgyver,isn't that Richard Dean dude on Stargate SG1?