Biffy Finally Gets a Build Thread!

No sign of the sailfin today. It's okay. With the sailfin and my new trigger that's coming in, that would make 21 fish. I would prefer to have an even number of fish. It's an OCD thing.
Bummer.. can you quarantine the 21 fish in those buckets that you used for curing and see if the sailfin comes out? Or would that cause too much stress in them and cause more fatalities? (did you check on the floor behind the tank or in places where it might have jumped out?)
There's no way I can catch all the fish. If the sailfin is gone, he's gone. I haven't seen him in two days now. So I suspect he didn't make it through the yellow tang's bullying. Lesson learned. 240 gallons is still too small for two tangs of the same genus.

In other news, my new $120 tilefish FINALLY came out to eat last night (I hadn't seen him in over a week). But he has popeye in one eye :(. I'm guessing it happened during the transfer from the bag to the tank. He is still extremely shy and wouldn't come out any more than to poke his head out of the rocks, so I made sure to squirt some mysis directly at him, and I saw him eat a few pieces. As long as he is coming out for feeding, I think he'll be okay.
I saw a picture of your tilefish on the internet!

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Okay, this is off topic, but I'm excited because I also got a new cat last night from the pound. He's just a plain little black guy. He's at the vet today getting neutered :(. I named him Chimi (as in Chimichanga). Chimi joins Mango, Petri and Stella (the other three cats) and Bixler (the dog) as the newest mammal in my house! So :p to Yote, Freak and all the other kitty haters on here!

I started reading this last night and I just cant put it down its like a good book. It's Emotional at times I cried earlier then funny again. Its great!! So I may have to reply every once in a while!

We both have Stella's mine is my wife!! There is a joke here but I want say it!
Glad to hear your sailfin is alive. when you saw that it was alive still did say out loud "It's ALIVE" you know form the horror movie

buy a bata fish lol

I had a beta and it died last month from old age I think, but thanks for bringing up the sad memory (crying emoticon) "Wipes tear"

betas are fun if you throw 5-6 in a smallish bowl....not that I have ever done that before

Sailfin is still alive... What a trooper! It's afraid to come out and eat with the other tangs, it's going to starve to death here soon if it doesn't grow a pair.
Man, Biff, your tank is THE BEST! Sooooo much better than I could ever hope mine to be! How do you do it?!?! Someday, will you PLEASE tell me your secret to keeping the most AMAZING reef tank EVER?!?! My tanks, corals and fish SUCK so bad compared to yours! I might as well just give up... And have I ever told you how intelligent and beautiful you are? I have never met a woman as perfect as you ever before! I think I'm going to just shout it out: BIFF IS PERFECT! BIFF IS AWESOME! BIFF IS INCREDIBLE!
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