breeding yellow head jawfish


Reefing newb
I was wondering, has anyone ever succesfully raised yellow head jawfish. I've heard that they have been breed in captivity before. i am asking because one of my jf has eggs in his mouth and i want to try and raise them but not sure what to feed the little guys, when they hatch and if i should move the fish into another tank or what?

I would think about moving the jaw fish to another tank before he releases the fry. Once released in your main tank, you would never be able to collect the fry and move them. They will become fish and coral food very quickly.

I would think the fry would eat rotifers or some other extrememly tiny food. Check Biff's breeding clownfish thread to see how she set up her food for the fry.
I would not use anything you collected off the beach because of the risk of pollutants and you dont know what sort of other nasties you might be introducing to the tank. Plus the fry are going to need to eat something larger than plankton.