Bubbles after water change


Reefing newb
This skimmer is really getting on my nerves. It finally started working alright without blowing millions of microbubbles into the tank about a week ago. I just did a 5 gallon water change and the damn thing is blowing so many bubbles the entire tank looks cloudy. Ive adjusted the air valve from closed to wide open and its still doing it. What would have triggered it to start doing this?
Nope, only reverse osmosis water with the salt pre-mixed in. Im ready to smash this thing my fish are freaking out:pissedof:
My Reef Octopus will do the micro-bubble thing after my hands are in the tank for any reason, and goes crazy if I add any aquarium putty. It clears up after a few hours, so I try not to be too bothered by it.
Yes I did leave it on. Next time I will turn it off while I do the change (if it isnt in a dumpster by then:mrgreen:).
The skimmer dd stop spewing bubbles today. Next time I will shut it down while doing a water change and see if that helps.