Calcium supplements and skimmers


Reefing newb
I dosed my tank with a 2 part solution from B-Ionic this morning before my lights came on. When I came home, it looks like my skimmer has turned into a snow machine. Does this normally happen and if so, does it last for long?
Not sure exactly what you mean. Calcium supplementation has no affect on a skimmer. Is your whole tank cloudy? What was your calcium level before you dosed and how much did you dose?
Did you dose both parts at the same time?
I cant remember the exact dosage, but I read the bottle and used the appropriate dosage for my tank. I knew it would cloud the water up a bit, but it literally looked like a snow globe in my tank, 8 hours later.
It has never happened to me, but I DIY my calcium and haven't use the B-ionic before.

I'm willing to bet your alk is too high. You have to becareful when dosing a two part to check what you're dosing. I think if your alk is too high the calcium will harden up and cause a cloud and look like snow in the tank.
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BTW Try to make sure your corals are not covered in it and make some water up right now if you don't have any for a water change.

I just did a search and this is quit common. Another thing I just read to check it your mag.
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Well this is the weird part. I turn the skimmer off and everything is fine. The water is not cloudy. My alkalinity is fine as well I measured it last night at 10 dKH.
I figured maybe pictures would help. My skimmer has always spit out a few bubbles, but nothing like this. I am starting to worry as I see some bubbles on my fish.


Have you dosed anything besides the B-Ionic?Any water conditioners?
HAve you happened to clean the skimmer.
I did clean my skimmer after I noticed the crazy bubbles that were being produced. Nothing else has been added to the tank other than food and water.
Any way you can rig up a bubble trap on the skimmers output?Maybe try adjusting it so its not pulling as much water for a while.
Just about anything that will catch the bubbles.If you can the in-tank side of a HOB overflow bow under the output and have the top part just above the water surface,that would work good.And I have cut up and used the wifes panty hose to make bubble traps and filter socks.
I tried to use some socks they use at the mall for people to try on shoes with. While doing that, I heard a hissing sound. My return from the skimmer had an air leak! I sealed it up and the bubbles went away. Ironically the supplements were just a coincident.