calcium to low

Not all corals use calcium. If you have alot of coralline growing it could be sucking up your calcium. I think 400mg/l is what most try to keep there level at though.
I like Kent Turbo Calcium, Kent Liquid Reactor and Kent Liquid Calcium. I use those for my tank, depending on which is on sale at the time I need to buy.
Just curious, how do you know your Ca is too low but you don't have test kits for it?

Before you start dosing ANYTHING, you need to test it. Don't just dump additives in because you think you need to.
I would test again before dosing. The calcium test is definitely more involved than most and is easily messed up or misread. Also, when you get salt for your tank, get a brand with calcium in it.

I've never had to dose calcium in my tank. Do you have alot of corals in your tank? I know you mentioned that you're new to the hobby. Just make sure you're getting proper reading before you start dumping calcium into your tank.
I use this and they work great:

when was the last time you did a water change? How often and how much water do you change?

300ppm isn't the end of the world. Do you have many SPS corals?
I use Purple up which is basically calcium and magnesium helped me get my calcium up and start growing coraline algea...