Canister question


Reefing newb
On my new 5 gallon I have a MarineLand C-220 canister filter along with a SuperSkimmer. I was using the canister due to the new live rock that was curing in the tank (new fishless tank of course) and creating quite a mess.I have finally tested negative for Amonia and nitrates and the water and the rock are pretty clean and clear.

My question is can I take the canister off now without affecting any of my parameters.
I would also like to make that I am correct by saying since I am negative for Amonia and Nitrates that means the rock are considered cured.

Thanks as always for the helpfull info.
If you've had the canister running the entire time and didnt change the cartridges every week,then you will probably throw the tank into another mini-cycle.
The media in the filter has probably became part of your biological filtration.
I would say that it's a good idea to remove the canister filter at this point. It is hard to keep them clean enough to leave them on a tank long term. Yote is right that it MAY start a mini-cycle, but if it does, it's better to have it happen now instead of later on when you have fish in the tank. Even if it does start a mini-cycle, I think it'd be over pretty quickly.
I have washed the media at least every week sometime more for the sole purpose of trying to keep the bio-media void of bacteria. I was trying to only use it for mechanical filtration.

I will take it off tonight and watch for a possible mini-cycle before adding any fish and thanks again.
I have heard that canister filters are best used to occasionally clean up the tank and not for long term use. I would dump it and try something else. running carbon in the filter socks seems to work great for me.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
canister filters are ok as long as they are cleaned weekly or bi-weekly depending on how heavily the tank is stocked. I run one on my tank part time in cunjuction with a sump and skimmer, but never over two weeks at a time. I just use it mostly as a place to run carbon.
I have had one on my 80g for months. nitrates are at 0 always. I have minimal bioload, but always clean the filter weekly
that does seem to be the trick. not to use it for more than a week at a time

-Dr Marco :sfish: