Canister Question

Well my canister filter has 4 slots and i was thinking can i place some of the phoshate reactor stuff inside a mesh bag and put it in slot 1 then put rock rubbles in slot 2 then slot 3 do the same as slot 1 and for slot 4 do the same as slot 2 ?

Sorry if this is confusing :):mrgreen:
Why are you running a canister at all out of curiosity?

Im sure you could put that in there as long as it is contained in the media baggies. What are your phosphate readings? Depending on how high they are I would go the more natural route and put chaeto in there. My readings were consistently at the .25 area, put some chaeto in my main tank and Im on about week three of zero phosphate
Canistsers are not great for marine tanks because they tend to collect too much detritus and then leach nitrates back into the system. Yes yo could clean it out every 3 days but that will get old fast.

Keep the canister around for emergencies. though. If some bad chem spikes you could run the canister, packed with some absorption media, for 24 to 48 hours and fix the problem.
Why are you running a canister at all out of curiosity?

Im sure you could put that in there as long as it is contained in the media baggies. What are your phosphate readings? Depending on how high they are I would go the more natural route and put chaeto in there. My readings were consistently at the .25 area, put some chaeto in my main tank and Im on about week three of zero phosphate

How do i put chaeto in a canister? It doesnt have any light :/
I don't think she meant to put it in the canister. You are okay to run the canister that way if you like. However, if I was you I'd put some carbon in #3 and only run it a few days a month to clean and polish your water. As stated above, it will collect all sorts of crap being run constantly.
I used to use filter media that were designed for saltwater aquariums. I know canister filters are used mostly for freshwater but i have a c-530 Canister filter and my nitrate and nitrates are close to zero. I change my fliter media every 2 weeks and my water is very very clear. Ive had better luck with these filters than with other filters.