Carbon Filter Padding


Reefing newb
My LFS told me that carbon filter padding isn't usually the best thing for reef tanks cause it can filter out good bacteria from the water. I was wondering what your guys opinions were on this.
i dont think that bacteria are affected by carbon filtration...some organic waste and medication are affected by it...carbon helps keep the water clear and with less contaminants..i always have a pouch of it in my filters..
Carbon will pull some trace elements out,but it wont hurt you bacteria.You just have to sure that you change it before it starts leaching phosphate back into your water.
Carbon can hurt your bacteria if left in to long, and it doesnt actually hurt it, alot of the bacteria goes to the carbon and when you pull it out to change (if it been left in there too long) you will a big part of them out. Theres nothing wrong with using carbon just make sure its a non phosphate and non nitrate carbon, and dont keep it in your tank for more than 10 days. I have kept mine in for 14 days a couple of times with no ill effect but it was a accident and I wouldnt do it again on purpose.

Remember it better to be safe than soory.
If you use carbon make sure its activated carbon and that it phosphate free(the kind that sizzles).Some people use it part time,full time or on as needed basis.Yeah like yote says it does absorb elements from the water like iodine,magnesium but regular water changes takes care of that.I'm a firm believer of using carbon full time in my system of many different corals(softies,LPS,SPS).Soft corals like leathers and Xenias battle for space using chemical warfare against other corals.Carbon helps to remove those chemicals not to mention it helps the tank from smelling fishy.
BTW,I change it out twice a month
The choice is really up to you...good luck
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Use carbon. If you have lots of fish AND corals, use phosguard as well. Phosphates will kill your corals. Fish waste makes phosphates. I run two large media bags full of carbon that I change out once a month (alternating one every two weeks) and phosguard as well. I don't like the combo jar of both carbon and phosguard. I like having the freedom to add what I need of both. I have had my system for two years and no problems with corals struggling - except when my angels decide to nip at them. Good luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I just hit the end of the cycle so i donthave any fish or corals yet, i just added a small cleaner crew and soon a fish or two. I will get a phosguard bag soon and run it with the carbon. thanks for the tip doc
On the question, The bacteria that is in the water collum does you no good. naturally if you have recently added bacteria from a source you would not want to filter for a few days. I do not like the carbon pads but do recommend using carbon about 10 days a month. once you are done with the carbon you will need to dose your additives i.e. iodine, trace, vitamins etc. make sure you test for iodine before dosing though to make sure you are low. that goes for the other additives that can be tested for.
Yup, I agree. I keep mine in a bag in my sump attached to the hoses that bring in the water from the box. It seems to work as my water is rather clear, if I do say so myself.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
the only argument i have heard about the cartridges is that youre pad can actually become part of your'e biologocal filter. and when you change your'e pad you get rid of good bacteria. and it could cause a small amonia spike. but, i guess if you had enough live rock and other good sources for the bacteria it might not matter.