Carpet ananome HELP QUICK


funky buttlovin
i just got home from the casino where i met a bunch of the cardinals players and Michael Irving to find my carpet anonnme to be closed up and spitting up black stuff...right now he is open and the mouth is pretuding outward...should i be worried?
he closes then opens just to spit black stuff up...he is closed up right my water is fine with only 15ppm nitrates
I got bad news for ya, its probably not good. For one 15ppm nitrates is NOT good, especially for an anemone. The require pristine stable water and a mature tank. How long has your tank been running? Your sig says 01/01/09, if thats the case, you shouldn't have anything in your tank at this point, much less 5 fish and an anemone. I'd take it back right now if your LFS will even take it back at this point. You shoud have stable water with less than 5ppm nitrates for a good 8 months before even attempting an anemone. Trust me, I've killed two already....
take it ou and throw it in the trash itisa gonner. your tank is way to inmature to have one. do you even have the proper lights for one?
i fed him yesterday and he opend all the way up and seemed to be enjoing himself and this morning i woke up to see him opened but not as big as he has in school right now but i wont be able to check on him till at least 245ish est time...i would skip class but i have calc i got to go to at 1
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Your tank is way too young for an anemone. And for all those fish. Add no more than one fish every 3 weeks. Wait a year before adding an anemone. And nitrates at 15 are too high for anemones. If it looks like your anemone is still sick when you get home, it's too late. It's a bad sign if it's mouth is gaping open, or if it has detached from the rock. Good luck.
Got to agree with those who think the anemone isn't doing well. I would remove it, just to be safe. They can do a lot of damage if they die
I agree with everyone. you should get rid of it. But the stuff coming out is probably poop. Mine does the same thing so i dont think this one case means its dying.

But still get it out because even if its not dying now, its probably on its way and you wont know the symptoms till its too late. Anemones dont show signs of bad health for a long time even though they are in bad shape.

Get rid of it and wait for your tank to mature.