Casey and Sarah's brand new tank!

SWEET! Cant beat FREE.That Tang and urchin shot are goot pics!

And if she's that close to your tank she wont have an issue with you spending money on it ;)
Quick question, so we are in Mexico and Sarah's mom is taking care of our tank. She said she thinks there is cyano on our coral. Is that a thing? Can cyano grow on coral? Should I be worried? We get back on Saturday.
ok so tank update. Got home from vacation today, everything was ok. I lost at least one tiger sand conch (probably both since I haven't seen the other one) but that is all. The shrimp molted, that was way cool, and the mushroom we got right before we left has DOUBLED in size over a week. params all look good, PH is a little high (8.18) and SG is a little low (1.022ish) but everything else is great! We will order our rock from MarcoRocks this week hopefully and then get our next 2 fish!
well this morning was fun. Went to bed last night, tank was fine. This morning, Sarah wakes me up at 7:30 and says the tank is off. I go into the living room to find the tank has lost power entirely. Turns out the plug has come out of the wall. So my sump overflowed (back siphon) and there is water in the base of the cabinate. So I spent about an hour and a half getting all of that water out, getting some new water in, and getting everything back to normal. I taped the plug into the wall (temporary fix). My salinity was a little low (I added some freshwater just so I could get the system running again) but I made up a batch of new SW so I think it should level out. Everybody is fine, no casualties but a little scary. Time to buy the battery backup for my MP40 I guess. One question, my skimmer seams to not be working properly. Im not getting little bubbles. I am guessing it just needs to break in for a few hours. Has anybody had that experience?
Ok so today we added some friend so out tank. We added to Mexican Turbo Snails (hopefully these guys live, the last one we had died like instantly) and another tiger sand conch to replace the one we lost while on vacation :/ .We also got 2 new tetras for my Postmortem freshwater tank of sadness (Casey' postmortem tank of sadness). It was a good fish day today. It looks like we are getting some money back for taxes this year so we will be getting a few more fish here in the near future! Next up is rock and then its a Kole Yellow Eye Tang and a Tomini tang. I can't wait!
Just felt like an update. I love my parameters. PH 8.1, SG 1.023, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0. I need to get some more test kits so I can have some more perfect parameters lol.

On an unrelated note, this week is my first REAL interview for getting a job out of college (I graduate this year, May 12). I have had a phone interview and an on-campus interview and both went well so now I am going down to Broomfield to do an on-site interview. Hopefully, this will get me a TSE1 position at VMWare. If I get this job, it will be amazing so send your good thoughts this way. If for no other reason than the fact that, if I get this job, I will be buying LOTS of really cool things for my tank and you will all get to see!
ok cool so what should I shoot for? Live aquaria says 1.023 to 1.025 for coral so should i try for 1.024? Also, when trying to bump up salinity, can I just add the salt right to my sump and let it dissolve there or should I just do an extra water change and make it test out at like 1.030?

LF I pm'ed you.