Catherine's Bowfront Rebuild

So, yesterday, I had one aiptasia in my big green caulerpa. I actually debated pulling it out and putting it in my 14 cube where I've got a ton of aiptasia and he would have friends. Instead I killed it with aiptasia x. I really hate killing them even though they're making my life a living hell. Anyway, the thing got it's revenge on me. This morning, my tank is green and cloudy from the whole strand of caulerpa dying. Darn it. I pulled out the string (still have a bunch of healthy stuff left but got a bristleworm sting in the process) and did a partial water change. It's still cloudy. Grrrrrrrrr. I'll do another water change in a few hours.

Moral of the story:

Karma's a bitch.

Shot the tank last night:

I got this shot of the wonky bowfront and though it looked fun:


Here's one of my boy and the unidentified mystery blenny, Harvey on the rock behind him:


So, one of my pet projects along with this pony tank is my red shrimp tank. I got them from This project is near and dear to my heart because these red volcanic shrimp cost a fortune and are very good for the horses to eat. I put my entire order in a 10 gallon tank:


the shrimp hate light so they are all hanging upside down in the cave. I keep the salt level at 1.018 because these guys live where the fresh and salt water meet in Hawaii. I'm glad my macro is doing so well under the low lighting conditions and the lack of salt in the water!

I'm having a few problems with this tank. First, too many hiding places won't let me see if I'm breeding. Second, I really like them. They are fun to watch and I don't want to kill them to feed to my horses. And, third, I can't figure out how to feed them to the horses. They are fast, horses are slow. Should I kill them before I put them in my tank? Ugh, can't do that.

Any ideas?

Been a while since I've posted pics,

First: Harvy the Blenny doing his seahorse interpretation:

A FTS with glare, I'll shoot again tonight:
