Chromis, RIP??


Team Liquid Force
I think I am going to lose one of my three green chromis's that I bought on sunday. He looks weak and and is "panting". I also noticed 2 little "patches" on his back, right after I put him in my tank from the fish store. My two Clowns are now picking on him. I feel real bad for the little guy and hope he pulls through, I guess I don't really know what to do. My other fishes are very active and eating. Oh yeah, I also check my perameters lastnight and everthing was fine.

Any insight is appreciated.
If you can and if it looks like the one will not make it, try and remove um before disease sets. only the strongest survive in this environment be it fish or corals. Protection of the majority is important if you do not have a quaranteen tank. good luck
Check your powerheads, check your filters, etc. Check the floor around the tank. If you still can't find him chances are a scavenger did it's job and finished off the body.
Ok, I guess I can look at this as a possitive experience, being a newbie and all to salt water. I am not ABSOLUTLY positive that my other 2 chromis's have ICK, but I think I did see some unordinary spots on them as well, so I moved them to a 5 gallon tank and my biology teacher who knows a lot about SW Fishes gave me a few drops of (I honestly don't know what it is) but it smells kind of like vasiline, and I put the drops into the 5 gallon tank. She also told me to do a fresh water dip. I took some tap water and declorinated it and put the fish in it for 3 minutes, then put them back into the 5 gallon. I have a airstone and a heater in the tank, but no filter.

Did I handle this the right way?
What could I have done different? If any.
How do I know if the fish are healthy again?
How long should they be in the q. tank.

Comments are appreciated.

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SSalty said:
Ok, I guess I can look at this as a possitive experience, being a newbie and all to salt water. I am not ABSOLUTLY positive that my other 2 chromis's have ICK, but I think I did see some unordinary spots on them as well, so I moved them to a 5 gallon tank and my biology teacher who knows a lot about SW Fishes gave me a few drops of (I honestly don't know what it is) but it smells kind of like vasiline, and I put the drops into the 5 gallon tank. She also told me to do a fresh water dip. I took some tap water and declorinated it and put the fish in it for 3 minutes, then put them back into the 5 gallon. I have a airstone and a heater in the tank, but no filter.

Did I handle this the right way?
What could I have done different? If any.
How do I know if the fish are healthy again?
How long should they be in the q. tank.

Comments are appreciated.


I think you did the right thing.
I believe it takes about 2-4 wks maybe longer before you can put them back in the main tank.,just make sure theirs no more spots,scatching,rubbing against rocks or glass,twitchiness and that they are eating.

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