Clam on a snail


Reefing newb
I have tried to search all over and I cant seem to find out what this is.

There seems to be a clam on the back of one of my cerith snails ( got it this way from reefs2go ) I have another cerith with a small clam on the back too.

anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows what type of clam this is. It is mainly yellowish in color with jaggid edges for the opening. As the snail moves the clam kind of opens and snaps shut. It has definately grown in size.

do you think I should take it off of the snail?



I wondering if the clam directs the snail... go this way... no this way.... :D

anyway, going to try and get a pic of the top side, might help someone ID what this is.

I dont think it is a Barnacle since it is split down the side and it opens and closes.
It does not look like any Bivalves that I have seen.
Do you think is can be some type of oyster?

I am leaning more towards a clam because of the jagged edges on the open side. Guess some type of filter feeder.

Yeah...if you held a gun to my head and made me guess I would say it's some kind of clam...but that would be only a partially educated guess...