cleaning live rock


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I have 1 piece of live rock that has red algae growing on it, I would like to clean this off. I need to now the best way,also I have a bristale worn that live's in it. Thanks
The next time you do a water change, keep the old water and take an old toothbrush and scrub the rock inside of the old water.
It depends on how thick the gloves are, the thicker yellow ones may do, but the thinner medical rubber gloves may's not their bite that will get you, it's all those bristles/pointy fibers along their body that stick into your finger...sorta like a small cactus.
Would latex glove's help if Mr. Bristle worn's bite me?
also would a ele. tooth brush be over kill?
you really don't have to worry about the worm bothering you unless you bother it. If it's in the LR and you pick it up, its response will not be to "attack" you, rather it will burrow into the rock and hide without bothering you. The only way you would get stuck is if you should try to pick him up bare handed. That said, the others are correct. Latex isn't the best idea, the gloves that Biff recommended are a much better idea. and electric tooth brush would be fine to scrub rock though not necessary. A normal toothbrush would do just fine as would a dish brush or even a toilet scrubber depending on how much area you need to cover.
The latex gloves also have powder on the inside that can get in your water. I use regular non-latex gloves and have never had a problem with my bristle worms getting me. I have also done a lot of aqua-scaping in my tank and upgraded my tank recently so I have been constantly moving my rocks and the gloves have never given me a problem. I also use a soft tipped toothbrush to clean the red algae from my rocks.